Frances Marr and Carolyn Marr

White clays, Egremont Red pigment, coloured slips

This series of 10cmx10cm tiles explores the textures collected and remembered from our visit to Florence Mine in August 2019.

A variety of making and firing techniques was used in these experiments, including pressing objects picked up on site into the clay. (Some of these
objects appear in Rusted.)

Photographer: Carolyn Marr


Frances Marr and Carolyn Marr

White clays, Egremont Red pigment, coloured slips

This series of 10cmx10cm tiles explores the textures collected and remembered from our visit to Florence Mine in August 2019.

A variety of making and firing techniques was used in these experiments, including pressing objects picked up on site into the clay. (Some of these
objects appear in Rusted.)

Photographer: Carolyn Marr